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Finance and Business
Monday, 12 October 2009
Gallbladder Cleanse

One of the most important organs in your body is the gallbladder.  The gallbladder aids in digestion and also stores bile.

If you eat unhealthy foods such as pizza and burgers, the oils and fats from these foods end up in the gallbladder.  After awhile, the fats and oils form gallstones.

Overtime, more gallstones get lodged in the gallbladder and in your liver which causes bile and bacteria to back up into your system.  This causes illness and other negative side effects on your body.  To clear up this problem people usually go to surgery.

If surgery is prohibitive to you due to high costs or you are afraid of surgery, then you might want to try a more natural remedy to getting rid of gallstones.  

One of these natural remedies that people are trying is the gallbladder cleanse.  The gallbladder cleanse is a home remedy which does not require expensive equipment or medication.

Before attempting the gallbladder cleanse, go see your doctor first for a check up.  The gallbladder cleanse could be potentially dangerous to some people so you should have the doctor look you over first and give recommendations.

The ingredients that you will need to pull off the gallbladder cleanse can be found at any supermarket.  You will need to pick up olive oil, Epsom salt, lemons, and apple juice.

The entire process of the gallbladder cleanse should take 7 days.  During the first 6 days, you should drink the apple cider daily.  

On the last day you need to mix the lemon juice and olive oil in a cup and drink it.  The mixture is not pleasant so be forewarned.

The next day when you get up mix up the Epsom salt with some warm water and drink it all.  This acts like a laxative which helps you get rid of the gallstones.

If you have the time, you may want to do the gallbladder cleanse several times a year.  This helps in keeping your body toxin free and unclogged.

Posted by savemoney00 at 7:00 PM EDT

Thursday, 5 November 2009 - 4:46 AM EST

Name: "gallstones treatment"
Home Page: http://www.gallstoneout.com

Gallbladder is the most important organ in our body, that's why we need to take care of this one. Let's avoid eating unhealthy foods because it can cause gallstones. The article above will help you on how to prevent gallstones.

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