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Finance and Business
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Low Income Apartments for Rent
Low income apartments for rent are a perfect way for families that cannot afford quality apartments to live better.  These apartments are given money by HUD and in exchange they provide lower rent to people.  

In order to be accepted into low income apartments for rent, your income must be at the amount specified by HUD.  You can get this information from HUDs website.  Each county has a different specified income amount.

If you would rather not go through HUD to get low income apartments for rent, you can still go directly to the low income apartments.  They will also check your income and it must be within a certain range.  If you do then you can apply for the low income apartments.

Ask HUD or go online to find low income apartments for rent.  There are usually many in a city so you can specify where you want to live.  You can also specify how many rooms you want, etc.  Of course, your criteria will be based on availability.  

When you go look at the low income apartments for rent, be sure you bring some paper and pen to note what you like and dislike about the apartments.  This is what you will use later to help you make a decision regarding the low income apartment you will move into.  

Chat with some of the people living at the low income apartments and gauge how they enjoy living there.  Ask them if maintenance is prompt in fixing things.  Also search for reviews of the low income apartments for rent online.  

Once you have found that low income apartment that you have most interest in, do a careful walkthrough of the apartment.  If you see some problems, be sure to notify the landlord before you move in.  

You should allow some time before you move into low income apartments for rent.  Usually low income apartments have long lines as many people are in need.

Posted by savemoney00 at 11:50 PM EDT

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